Friday, September 25, 2015

2. Choose Your Own Spirituality

What most people don’t understand is that spirituality is a relationship with the Divine, and like any relationship, it is unique to the two people who are involved in the relationship.  Couples do things together that they would not do separately.   And different couples do different activities to connect to each other.  Each relationship is completely unique, which is part of what makes the relationship significant. 

Your spiritual life, your connection to the Divine, will be unique to you.  You will determine the time, the activities, the place, and the goals.  No one else can tell you how to live your spiritual life.   Well, no one should tell you.  Just because something works for one person, or for millions of people, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you.

In this volume, I will be taking a mostly Christian perspective, with some clues from other spiritual paths.  I am taking this approach, because it is what I know, what I have lived out.  Perhaps that seems limited to you.  But Christian spirituality has been around for 2000 years, and billions of people have taken a Christian approach to connecting to the Spirit realm.  This means that there are billions of different paths, billions of ways to connect to the Spirit. At least. 

This volume is only going to take a handful of the ways to connect to the Divine and give some basic explanations, as well as give some principles that work for most people.  What you do with the tiny insights you might find here is up to you.  Because ultimately, you have to relate to the Divine in your way.  It’s your relationship.  

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